For Real Housewives of Beverly Hills fans, this week proved that Bravo has matured from the trivial, fabricated, and often silly storylines of previous Housewives series to confront how marriages sometimes just progressively fall apart, need fixing, or suddenly end in a blaze of fire.
Tonight on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Kyle Richards celebrates her husband’s 40th birthday. It’s a night that, for Taylor Armstrong, shows something that she is lacking; a husband that can have fun when she wants to have fun.
Armstrong’s husband Russell is portrayed by the show as an outcast, a person who wants to call it night early, and most importantly damper his own wife’s fun. But is it accurate, or something created in the show’s editing?
Despite however skeptical fans might be that the Kyle and Camille feud is staged, Taylor’s tears on tonight’s episode are real. Armstrong knows that her marriage is lacking something, and yet continues, episode to episode.
But for the smiling, swirling, and cheerful Camille, she seems to have no idea that her marriage is falling apart. There rest the irony of this and next week’s episode. While one marriage (Taylor and Russell) seems to be in trouble, another one (Camille and Kelsey) is about to collapse overnight.
In the end does Taylor find happiness? Apparently not on the Reunion episode. “Good Morning! Yesterday was such an emotional day filming the reunion. Hoping for a sunny LA day to help shake off the blues” she tweeted days ago.
Taylor Armstrong
Taylor Armstrong Photos
Taylor Armstrong Photo